QUIZ: Are you more British or American based on your celebrity crushes?

5 February 2021, 18:08

Can we guess if you're British or American based on your celebrity crushes?
Can we guess if you're British or American based on your celebrity crushes? Picture: Columbia/RCA
Katie Louise Smith

By Katie Louise Smith

Celebrity crushes? My speciality.

We've already quizzed you to see if your personality is more British or American, and whether or not your preferred slang words give away which side of the pond you're from... Our next challenge? Can we guess if you're British or American based on your celeb crushes alone?

Time to make your crush selections based on the celebs we've included in the quiz below...

QUIZ: Can we guess your age based on your celebrity crushes?

QUIZ: Can we guess your height based on your celebrity crushes?

QUIZ: Is your personality more American or British?